Over the years, many participants and their families have asked how they might support the Nurses' Health Study and Nurses' Health Study II, beyond the wonderful and generous donation that all participants make of their time and energy. We are deeply grateful for the expressions of support and for donations made to the Friends of the Nurses' Health Study Fund.
Your generosity helps to sustain our ongoing research. There are many ways that you can make a gift to support the Nurses’ Health Studies. Giving to the Nurses Health Studies can be either immediate or deferred through your will or trust. To learn more about the advantages of giving certain gifts, please visit:
Immediate gift donations may be made by mail or online.
If you have any questions about donating to the Nurses' Health Studies, please call Danielle Hernon at 617-424-4334.
***Please specify that your donation is contributing to the Channing Division of Network Medicine.

Donate By Mail
Please make checks payable to Friends of the Nurses’ Health Study and mail to:
Nurses’ Health Study
Attn: Danielle Hernon
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
263 Huntington Ave #318
Boston, MA 02115